nz-rt17 Whakatane

NZ-RT17 Whakatane to the rescue

Original Article from Jamie Norton of NZ Herald

nz-rt17 WhakataneIt’s great to have examples of how the NZ Response Team Volunteers help keep members of their communities safe.

On Saturday, 25 May 2013, the volunteers from NZ-RT17 Whakatane Emergency Rescue Team were called out to assist the 111 Emergency Agencies with a high ridge rescue.

One of a two man team who were surveying a landslide above a highway slipped and fell. He was unable to walk after injuring his shoulder.

NZ-RT17 were tasked with extracting the injured man from the ridge about 50 metres above State Highway 2. Weather conditions were not good, so this made the extraction a rather dangerous task. However, our Responders are trained to deal with these situations and proved their worth yet again, by successfully rescuing the injured man and delivering him to the ambulance waiting below.

Well done, NZ-RT17 Whakatane.

NZ-RT17 Whakatane were involved with several taskings during their deployment to Christchurch after the 2011 earthquakes. To learn how they helped author, Deb Donnell, and her family recover their customer’s valuable goods left in trust, such as diamond rings and gold chains, get a copy of RESPONDERS now. You can purchase this at leading bookstores throughout New Zealand or on our site by clicking HERE.

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