
WordPress VPS Hosting Managed Service

$230.00 incl. GST

Hand your website hosting over to our Managed WordPress Hosting Team, and stop worrying about your website maintenance, management, and security.  Free yourself up to focus on adding quality content, and building your business.

Our management is hands-on and proactive.  We host your WordPress website on a secure, standalone Virtual Private Server (VPS).  This gives you a stable and fast website.  Our team monitors your site 24/7/365, carries out maintenance daily, and strictly adheres to the 3-2-1 rule of backup.

This is a monthly subscription for Managed Secure WordPress VPS Hosting Service.  When you order this service, the amount you pay covers our initial consulting fee.  This allows us to assess your website requirements for suitability for our service.  We will then provide you with a price to transfer your site to a new server, and the monthly fee for ongoing Managed Secure WordPress VPS Hosting.

NOTE:  We do not provide email hosting or IT Management Services.  We recommend Sabre IT for these solutions.

WordPress VPS Hosting from KESWiN Services ensures that your WordPress website is secure and protected 24/7/365.  This requires in-depth understanding, technical skill-set, and security knowledge that few WordPress owners and hosts have.  In order to achieve this, you need to either invest thousands of hours and dollars to learn how to do this yourself, or hire someone with the expertise.

At KESWiN™ Publishing Services, we are passionate about WordPress, and have been working with, and managing self-hosted websites for clients since 2009.  We not only monitor clients websites 24/7/365, we carry out all the required maintenance daily.

Hands-on Proactive Managed WordPress VPS Hosting

Our WordPress VPS Hosting management is hands-on and proactive.  We host your WordPress website on a secure, standalone Virtual Private Server (VPS).  This gives you a stable and fast website.  Our team monitors your site 24/7/365, carries out maintenance daily, and strictly adheres to the 3-2-1 rule of secure backup.

Most importantly, no other clients share the WordPress VPS Hosting Server with you.

Your Website is a Valuable Business Asset

We know your website is a valuable business asset.  Above all, it has to comply with privacy and security regulations, including EU-GDPR.  Consequently, the primary goal is to ensure your client’s data is protected 24/7/365.  The only way to do this is through standalone Managed WordPress VPS Hosting.

Compare this to most other Managed WordPress Hosts.  They put you on insecure shared reseller servers with hundreds, if not thousands of other websites and email accounts.  They’ll tell you its safe, but crowded, shared reseller servers have plenty of vulnerabilities and open ports, making them a huge target for hackers.  We stopped using this hosting option in 2016 after experiencing continual outages, slow websites, and other issues.  Since moving to standalone, secure VPS hosting, we have not had any issues.

Additionally, most other managed website hosts do the maintenance work monthly, and put as much as they can on autopilot, including backing up your website via insecure channels (if at all).  Some only back up the entire server, which makes it next to impossible to restore your website should it be compromised.  When you contact their support for help, they’ll tell you that the loss is your fault, and within their accepted “casualty statistic.”

We Care Deeply About Your Website Security

On the other hand, we treat every website we manage as if it was our own.  When you hand your website hosting over to our Managed WordPress Hosting Team, you get peace of mind.  You can stop worrying about your website maintenance, management, and security.  Free yourself up from technical headaches and focus all your attention on building your business.

This is a monthly subscription for Managed Secure WordPress VPS Hosting Service.  When you order this service, the amount you pay covers our initial consulting fee.  This allows us to assess your website requirements for suitability for our service.  We will then provide you with a price to transfer your site to a new server, and the monthly fee for ongoing Managed Secure WordPress VPS Hosting.  We also recommend we manage your Domain Name and DNS Settings.  Contact us for more info.

NOTE:  We do not provide email hosting or IT Management Services.  We recommend Sabre IT for these solutions.


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WordPress VPS HostingWordPress VPS Hosting Managed Service
$230.00 incl. GST
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